Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hotter than Hell

Everywhere that one goes, the constant refrain is -- 'It's so hot'. Delhi is seeing unbearably hot weather this year, so much so that one didn't even feel like writing this short little Q & A on how hot it was. Still, taking a cue from the chap in the pic,I cooled off under a tap and came up with this.

Click here to read a 'Watercooler moment' on how it is like living in a place that's hotter than hell.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Presidential swat

U.S President Obama seems to be making news all the time, even if it is for swatting a fly! Recently, during the course of an interview at the White House, a fly kept on buzzing over the Prez's head. This apparently bugged our man so much that he caught hold of it in a swift movement and made short work of it. Not surprisng, the President's action made the day for punsters, late night show hosts and those like me looking for a subject for a pun-ful little piece.

Click here to read a 'Watercooler moment' on Obama's fly-swatting abilities.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

When crime gets creative

It's been seventy years since the term 'white collar crime' was coined by an American criminologist. A lot has happened since then. Crime has grown by leaps and bounds, especially white collar crime because it can be easily commited and not-so-easily detected. This is more so in India, where white collar crime is becoming increasingly endemic.

Click here to read what happens when crime gets creative.

Click here to read about the most famous conmen of our times.

No morals for the moral police

The moral police doesn't seem to rest. Recently, a few colleges in Kanpur issued a diktat banning girls from wearing jeans on campus. I wrote the following cheeky Q & A, wondering when the moral police will get a dressing down.

Click here to read a 'Watercooler moment' on moral policing.

Sunday, June 07, 2009


A recent survey found that Indian bureaucrats were the worst in Asia. A tongue-in-cheek look at desi babus and what makes them so remarkably corrupt.

Click here to read a 'Watercooler moment' on the Bureau-crazy Raj.