Monday, January 21, 2008

The King of Mountains

Mount Everest -- the name evokes images of a towering mountain peak covered with snow -- the highest in the world and the toughest to climb. Fifty five years after Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay became the first men to climb Everest, the peak still remains the ultimate challenge for mountaineers, as I found out after speaking with a cross-section of people -- the pioneers who were amongst the first to climb Everest as well as those who had made the attempt relatively recently. All were unanimous in believing that Mt Everest still remains the King of Mountains...

Click here to read about Mt Everest & how it feels to climb to the top of the world.

Click here to read about the chronicler of the Himalayas.

Click here to read what Tenzing Norgay's son, Jamling had to say about his father.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Investing in photographs

For long, photography has been considered a distant cousin of more popular art forms like painting and sculpture. But now, things are changing. Prominent auction houses like Sotheby's and Christie's are attracting investors, who wish to maximise their investment by putting their money on pictures. What's more, the works of Indian photographers are getting global recognition too...

Click here to read how photography is clicking with investors.

Click here to read tips on how to invest in a picture.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Scent of paper

Recently, launched Kindle -- an e-book device, which allows users to read books “just like one reads printed paper.” Kindle is already being touted as the next big thing that will revolutionise reading. Which is quite nice, since I am all for technology, if it makes your life easier. However, the question that is bothering me is, whether replicating the look and feel of a book would suffice to make for a good reading experience? What, pray, about its smell?

Click here to read why the smell of a book also matters.