Monday, October 22, 2007

Homeopathy catches on

Since 1839, the year homeopathy was introduced in India, it has continued to flourish in the country. So much so, that today, India has the largest pool of homeopathic doctors in the world. Currently, there are over 2 lakh registered homeopathic practitioners in the country with approximately 12,000 more being added to this number every year. So, what is it that is fuelling the growth of homeopathy in India?

Click here to find out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chatting with Vishwanathan Anand

After winning the world chess championship, as Vishy Anand prepared to return home to India, I spoke with him on the challenges that he sees for himself after becoming a world champion, on how the game of chess has changed over the years, the welcome that he expects on his return and whether he sees a future for himself beyond chess.

Click here to read what Anand had to say.

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Future of Space

50 years after the first spaceflight happened, it's an interesting thought to ponder over: what would be the next 50 years be like for space? Living in space colonies, taking regular trips to the planets, harnessing power from asteroids - these are some possibilities which spring to mind. However, much more can also be possible which is beyond our imaginations today. As the last 50 years of space have shown, there are no limits to how much can be achieved within a short span of half a century.

Click here to read about the future of space.