When the founding fathers of the Indian Constitution decided to incorporate the concept of reservations for SC, ST and other backward classes in the constitution, they had in mind a clear vision -- of creating social reform. However, the benefits of caste based reservations have failed to percolate downwards to where it is needed the most. Instead, they have just benefitted the upper sections among the backward castes, thus negating the original vision of the constitution's founding fathers.
Click here to read about the original thought behind putting caste reservations in the constitution.
Great myths of Indian history
24 Jun, 2007 l 0018 hrs ISTlAtul Sethi/TIMES NEWS NETWORK
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When UPA presidential nominee Pratibha Patil mentioned that the purdah had been in existence since Mughal times, she was being historically inaccurate, but voicing a commonly held misconception.
In fact, according to N R Farooqi, professor of History at Allahabad University, the Mughals probably borrowed purdah from the Rajputs. Historian Harbans Mukhia, in his book, The Mughals of India, cites the Baburnama and the Humayunnama to state that the Mughals were never in purdah. Farooqi says Mughal women were introduced to the purdah only after Akbar married a Rajput princess, who may have brought this custom along with her.
Many other popular perceptions are often mistaken for historical fact, such as Islam being brought to India by Muslim invaders. Most historians concur that India’s introduction to Islam was, in fact, through Arab traders.
It’s not surprising that tales abound in India, since our culture has a tradition of storytelling. Myths, however, become intertwined with history, often overshadowing it. That’s why the fictional Salim-Anarkali romance is more popular than the real Jahangir-Noorjahan love story.
Even stories which have an element of truth can be blown out of proportion. Like Asoka slaying his 100 brothers, which historians believe was exaggerated, though there probably was a struggle for the throne.
Great myths of Indian history
Comment:'Purdah pratha' was brought by Islam and not by Mughals.
Name:ejaz ahmad siddiqui
Location:portland, usa
24 Jun, 2007 0815hrs IST
Comment:Purdah was brought to India by the Muslims. It is clearly mentioned in the Shahi Hadith that the Prophet Mohamed introduced 'burka' and 'purdah' among his wives and then among all the Arab women.
24 Jun, 2007 0735hrs IST
Comment:Purdah was started by Prophet Mohammed. He married for the fourth time at his age of 60. His fourth wife was very young and very beautiful. Many people used to stare at her. Hence the Prophet started purdah custom. Also, after his fourth marriage, he wrote another commandment for Muslims, which allowed muslims to marry four women.
Location:new jersey, usa
24 Jun, 2007 0626hrs IST
Comment:The belief that Islam was brought to India by Muslim traders and not by invaders can be accurate and misleading at the same time. When people talk about who brought Islam to India they are not talking about simply the practitioners of Islam but about the power of Islam. Myths and realities are often intertwined and can not be separated.
Name:rama s. singh
24 Jun, 2007 0556hrs IST
Comment:Purdah or veil cam to India from Middle East and it was more of a cultural thing. The 'so called experts' on India history should get their facts right before making any historical statements. They should stop referring to history if they want to make any political statement.
Name:balwinder singh
24 Jun, 2007 0543hrs IST
Comment:I frankly find these so-called historians of India hypocritical to the farthest possible extent. When there comes the discussion of how many monuments and Hindu temples were destroyed by invaders such as Ghazni and Ghori, the same historians and the so-called "secular" Indians develop a complacent outlook and just brush it away saying it happened centuries ago and modern Indians shouldn't let it affect their lives. Our society needs to open its eyes, be more stable and feel secure about itself. In this era of economic growth, India needs to concentrate on issues of greater importance and not some petty statements given by politicians.
Name:pavan murali
Location:los angeles
24 Jun, 2007 0538hrs IST
Comment:India's introduction to Islam may very well have been by the Arabic traders but the real question is how it was spread. There are well documented accounts by European and other historians that it was mostly forced conversion by the Muslim invaders.
Name:p. sharma
24 Jun, 2007 0524hrs IST
Comment:Islamic invasion and purdah system brought by Muslims are myths. Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are ready to kill or die for their religion to prove that.
24 Jun, 2007 0518hrs IST
Comment:Fact is that historians like these are political agents who suppress the fact in order to gain poltical mileage.
24 Jun, 2007 0456hrs IST
Comment:Rajputs were never in veil. It's the muslims who were always in purdah.
24 Jun, 2007 0419hrs IST
Great myths of Indian history
Comment:'Purdah pratha' was brought by Islam and not by Mughals.
Name:ejaz ahmad siddiqui
Location:portland, usa
24 Jun, 2007 0815hrs IST
Comment:Purdah was brought to India by the Muslims. It is clearly mentioned in the Shahi Hadith that the Prophet Mohamed introduced 'burka' and 'purdah' among his wives and then among all the Arab women.
24 Jun, 2007 0735hrs IST
Comment:Purdah was started by Prophet Mohammed. He married for the fourth time at his age of 60. His fourth wife was very young and very beautiful. Many people used to stare at her. Hence the Prophet started purdah custom. Also, after his fourth marriage, he wrote another commandment for Muslims, which allowed muslims to marry four women.
Location:new jersey, usa
24 Jun, 2007 0626hrs IST
Comment:The belief that Islam was brought to India by Muslim traders and not by invaders can be accurate and misleading at the same time. When people talk about who brought Islam to India they are not talking about simply the practitioners of Islam but about the power of Islam. Myths and realities are often intertwined and can not be separated.
Name:rama s. singh
24 Jun, 2007 0556hrs IST
Comment:Purdah or veil cam to India from Middle East and it was more of a cultural thing. The 'so called experts' on India history should get their facts right before making any historical statements. They should stop referring to history if they want to make any political statement.
Name:balwinder singh
24 Jun, 2007 0543hrs IST
Comment:I frankly find these so-called historians of India hypocritical to the farthest possible extent. When there comes the discussion of how many monuments and Hindu temples were destroyed by invaders such as Ghazni and Ghori, the same historians and the so-called "secular" Indians develop a complacent outlook and just brush it away saying it happened centuries ago and modern Indians shouldn't let it affect their lives. Our society needs to open its eyes, be more stable and feel secure about itself. In this era of economic growth, India needs to concentrate on issues of greater importance and not some petty statements given by politicians.
Name:pavan murali
Location:los angeles
24 Jun, 2007 0538hrs IST
Comment:India's introduction to Islam may very well have been by the Arabic traders but the real question is how it was spread. There are well documented accounts by European and other historians that it was mostly forced conversion by the Muslim invaders.
Name:p. sharma
24 Jun, 2007 0524hrs IST
Comment:Islamic invasion and purdah system brought by Muslims are myths. Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are ready to kill or die for their religion to prove that.
24 Jun, 2007 0518hrs IST
Comment:Fact is that historians like these are political agents who suppress the fact in order to gain poltical mileage.
24 Jun, 2007 0456hrs IST
Comment:Rajputs were never in veil. It's the muslims who were always in purdah.
24 Jun, 2007 0419hrs IST
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